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At times you may find that your pool seems to lose water. If the water loss is more than evaporation and splash out would allow for, than you may have a leak and further diagnosis is required.


Evaporation averages up to approximately a ¼” per day (1¾” -2” per week).  This can vary depending on, landscaping, air and water temperature, humidity, and windy conditions among other things.  You will generally evaporate more in spring and fall than in the summer.  This is due to the weather conditions and lack of humidity with increased winds.


There are many places that pools can leak from, this fix called for repairs to be made in the water line system. In most cases these water lines will under the pool deck and require some creative digging.


One of the common areas for leaks is around the light. This is probably the hardest leak for a pool owner to verify.  It is usually indicated by the water level leaking down to about the middle of the light and then stopping.  We do not usually recommend letting the pool leak to this level as it can cause other problems.

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